Saturday 3 October 2015

Oh For Fucks Sake I've got Cancer!

Now i know i said that i wouldn't use that word again but it didn't seem to work any other way. 
So lets start from the beginning of Volder-tits journey. In February 2015 i was sitting in one of those bloody feeding chairs that look minging but i have to admit are a godsend. I was breastfeeding my 5 month old little boy called Potato when i noticed i had a red rash beginning to form on my right nork. 'Oh great I've got fucking mastitis' i think. What a pain in the ass. I WhatsApp my NCT friends who i know have had this before and they tell me that i should be in a lot of pain and have a fever. I don't. Well i remind myself how 'hard as nails' i am and don't seem to feel pain the same way as these mere mortals. So i leave it to clear up on its own as I'm sure it will. It doesn't and in April i figure its about time that i got some advice as i was under the impression that it would have fucked off on its own by now. I make an appointment with my GP surgery only to have a pretty shit experience with the worlds biggest bellend. 
Dr Bellend: Hello. What can i do for you?
Me: I have a red rash on my boob. Its been there for two months and its spreading. Im breastfeeding my little boy but i don't have any fever or pain. So i don't think this is normal
Dr Bellend: You have mastitis. 
Me: Im not in any pain at all and i don't have a fever.
Dr Bellend: You have mastitis.
Me: Ok. But is that normal to just have a rash? My little boy cant feed off of that side either. All he does is bite me.
Dr Bellend: (Huffs - what a bellend) Do you want me to look at your breast?
Me: (not really you cunt but why wouldn't you want to? My boobs aren't that bad)
Dr Bellend then proceeds to lift the sheet off of my boob in a flapping motion that can be likened to him trying to flap a spider off of a blanket and then says "you have mastits."

That was it. He diagnosed me in a nanosecond. I then asked if he was sure and he proceeded to tell me that if it wasn't mastitis then it was folliculitis and that the treatment was the same. I then declined the antibiotics as he said it would go away on its own. Then i left.
Luckily Dr Bellend was such a massive Bellend that i went home and stewed on this encounter and decided that fuck this i was getting a second opinion. I called and asked  for a female Dr. I went 10 days later. I explained what had happened with the previous Dr and she gave me a full examination, went through some questions with me and assured me that i had mastitis. She did however stress that i should take the antibiotics and then return if they didn't work. I was happy with this and thought no more of it. I went away with my friends and didn't take the tablets immediately as i wanted to drink. Little did i know i had just got pregnant via immaculate conception. I then began taking the antibiotics and then we moved house. I then went to Spain to visit my aunt and uncle. On this trip i felt quite unwell for most of the time. I put this down to tiredness as the bloody kids wouldn't sleep the whole time we were away. I spent one afternoon yacking my guts up and then came back and discovered i was pregnant! So this was about the end of June 2015. I then began to notice that my nipple was retracting and i had dimples on my skin. Great this infection is getting worse. I returned from Spain and registered with a new Dr who then examined me and said that she was also a breastfeeding mother and didn't think i had mastitis She sent me for a biopsy.

I went to the Bristol breast clinic and sat with all the old ladies in the waiting room feeling quite guilty for taking an appointment away from one of these old Doris's who really needed the care.  I went in and went through the motions and was informed after an examination that they would need a tissue sample and that the anaesthetic would hurt. This needle went in and i can honestly say i didn't feel a bloody thing. This did seem strange. He then asked me to return on the following Friday 11th September for the results. 
I must say things did begin to play on my mind from here on. I analysed their body language  my mind and their intonations in the questions they had asked. I then decided that there was to be bad news ahead. 
But what the fuck was wrong with me?
Of course, i did what any 32 year old curious woman would do.... i googled!!!! 
Well, i was careful to stick to the factual and well known websites and avoided sites such as '' and ''. The top 20 search hits were Volder-Tit websites and i thought 'oh shit here we go'. After looking at documents about lumpy tits and the like i found a very short paragraph on Inflammatory Breast Cancer. In short it said 'this is the one you really don't want'. Its that prostitute i mentioned before. 'You will most likely die'. Blah blah get fucked blah. Here are the symptoms.... you have them all. Oh dear. Oh well it could be an infection so don't panic yet. So i did what all rational people do....i panicked. 

There were a lot of conversations in the following days ranging from 'Don't be fucking daft, you're too young to have it' to 'oh my god you're going to die'.
 I was settling somewhere in the middle. 
As results day loomed i began to convince myself that it was something bad but it was going to be manageable as long as it wasn't the inflammatory thingy. I said to Scouse (my chap and father of the kids)  as we had our last pre-life-swallowing-results Costa at the hospital, "Its fine as long as its not inflammatory'.
We waited in the old lady waiting room, looking at ladies and one chap, in various forms of decay and i began to get angry. A) they were 45 minutes late seeing me b) i still felt like a fraud and was expecting a nurse to just hand me a prescription and C) if i had to pee one more time in the foul minge-stinking toilet i was going to shit frisbees!!!
Then the nurse came and called my name. 'Yes!' i thought, 'tablets!'
She informed me that i needed to follow her. She was taking me to see the Dr. She led us further to the back of the hospital. It was getting quieter and quieter. 'Fuck!' I thought, 'shes taking me straight to the morgue!' We arrived at a location called 'Breast Care'. Was this a good or bad area? Scouse didn't say a thing. The nurse led us to the door and i was still 50/50 at this point. Then she opened the door and i saw them. Not the dr or the paperwork. It was the cushions! These were bad news cushions! All cheerful for positivity but at the same time they seemed to say "im so sorry. Here sit with me. Ill cushion your sorry ass while that guy with the clipboard shits all over your life". These cushions said it all. It was bad news.
Dr Boob: Im so sorry but we have found some cancer. 
Me: what type is it?
Dr Boob: Its a rare one called Inflammatory
Me: Oh Fuck
Cushions: We're so sorry.


  1. Wow, I am so shocked that you were misdiagnosed twice. That is insane! I'm so sorry to hear it is cancer. Life can be so unfair x

    1. Yeah it's bloody crazy. Even GP's aren't away that it's not just lumpy are numerous things we should be on the look out for xxx

  2. Fair play for sharing your story.

    1. Thanks Emma. I'm definitely going to keep going. I've only known for 6-7 weeks so it's crazy and I think there will be a lot more material to come xx

  3. This is the funniest unfunny thing I've ever read! I hope you'll be OK x

    1. Thanks Sara. I hope you're still enjoying it and thank you for commenting. I over reading them even though it takes me an age to reply. Join me on Facebook if you haven't already 'storm in a tit cup' xxxx

  4. Typical nhs I almost died from misdiagnosis but I can't even imagine what you're going through my thoughts are with you and your family xxx

    1. Thank you Trudie. It's bloody scary that we out our lives in hands that we assume will just know what to do. I guess as humans we can't always do things right but when it's your health it's fucking frightening. I trust you are well now? I must say that the third Dr I saw was absolutely brilliant and everyone I've had deal with me so far have also been fantastic. It appears that it's some what of a lottery so I think one of the lessons is to trust yours instincts. Thank you so much for reading and getting in touch. It means a lot to me xxxx

  5. Typical nhs I almost died from misdiagnosis but I can't even imagine what you're going through my thoughts are with you and your family xxx

  6. I'm with sara about this being the funniest unfunny thing I've ever read! But seriously, I hope everything turns out well for you. Lots of love xx

    1. Thank you Unknown. I love your name by the way. Very mysterious xxxx

  7. I read this, probably shouldn't have, because I have an appointment on Tuesday about pain and lumps in both of my breasts. I don't think for one moment I am going through what you are but then neither did you. I want for you to be okay, to kick cancers arse and tell it to do one. Thank you for sharing your story. Lots of positive vibes, love and strength to you xx

    1. Natasha how did you get on? If you want to talk privately please contact me on the Facebook page 'storm in a tit cup'. Sending you lots of love xxxx

  8. Have you heard of GcMAF? Maybe it helps!

    1. I've just had a quick Google and I'll have a better look later. Thank you so much for the info xx

  9. Luckily I had DCIS & Lobular, picked up on a mammogram, cos they started early screening. But my reaction was the same: Ah, fuck! And I had the same friendly cushions. Wishing you all the best: it's a horrid journey. I'm on the tamoxifen etc now and even in remission after 3 years, life is pretty shit. I started a blog, but then gave up cos I felt too crap to carry on. But I'm supposed to be happy and grateful all the time because they slashed, poisoned and burned their way to my 'cure'. C'est la vie.

    1. It's a shitty road for sure. Its bloody difficult to remain positive in these situations but I have found writing this down has helped. Then it doesn't work for everyone. If you ever want to talk, rant, moan, whatever.... You can message me on Facebook privately at 'storm in a tit cup'. It's hard to be grateful for a lot of things at this point but I do find that I am. I guess it's about finding an outlet for the individual but fuck knows what that could be. Thinking of you xxxx

  10. Thank you Kelkel. I'm glad you enjoy reading it because hopefully that means you'll come back and the more people that read it the better!!! Dr Bellend was a massive cunt indeed. But I think if he'd been nice I wonder if maybe I wouldn't have second guessed him? It's weird really as I'm genuinely not angry about it. But I had to paint the picture of him as that's exactly how he was. Nob head. I fully intend to be here until my tits are dangling in my shoes. Hopefullly I'll be blogging about walking sticks and purple rinses in 50 years time xxxx

  11. I had rare parotid cancer- acinic cell carcinoma and I was 8 weeks pregnant when diagnosed. I had the 5 hour op to remove it at 16 weeks pregnant. My daughter and I also had the mri, tests and biopsies galore... following that a grueling 30 days of microwaving radiotherapy after she was born.
    I am sorry you ate going through this... this was my life 3 years ago.
    Very well written by the way. I don't know you but if you need an understanding ear... please message laura Higgins. .. she knows me xx

  12. I am so grateful to the great Dr. Ikhine for curing my herpes disease,for 7 years ago i was having this infection that made me look so horrible, since i have been having this disease i have been in a complete agony weeping everyday, i have gone to several places trying to get a cure but nothing was change, i had to search for solution in the internet, luckily i came across this testimony of how Dr. Ikhine cured a lady from this terrible affection so i decided to contact him through his email address:, i told him exactly how i was feeling and he assure me that he will help me to get cured from my disease, i believed him and obeyed all his instruction that he gave to me, afterwards he prepare a cure for me and when i received it and started using it just as he has promised me, i was cured totally within 2 weeks of usage. contact him at his email; or call +2348074089085 or WhatsApp +2348056932230 for quick response...


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