Sunday 21 February 2016

Living now vs the future

This is a boring post for you to read but I do need your help so suck it up. 

What would a child's bucket list look like? This is not a rhetorical question......

When we had the boys, both were treated to a bear from 'build a bear' courtesy of their Nan. For those who have never encountered this shop, it's one that you get cute teddies from and then you dress them as a transvestites or a dominatrix and give them to your kids and say "it's great to be individual. Check out the whips and chains elephant I bought you". 

When I was pregnant with Ally, Scouse and I went to 'build a bear'  to choose Ally's present to be bought once she was born. Sad to say I was not drawn to 'lap dance leopard' or 'trailer park tiger', I was drawn to something far more suited to a little girl. 
I wanted the giant black Dragon with no teeth from How to Train your Dragon. No outfits or rocks of crack with this one, just a huge fire breathing destroyer called Toothless. Scouse agreed. We took a picture and showed my mum what to buy when the time came. 

There was never time for Ally to meet Toothless as he wasn't bought in time.

Last week I decided it was time I bought new clothes and whilst dragging my fat ass around the shops wondering what the point in looking less like a Muslin cloth was (covered in snot and spit to the point I could refer to my limbs as 'snot legs' etc) I found myself wondering into 'build a bear'. I walked out with Toothless and a birth certificate for him that stated he was for Ally Louise Smith. I smiled. 
I got home and the boys were all over him like a tramp on chips and I thought 'welcome home Ally's Dragon'.

                                      Tait and Toothless

Anyway there's a reason why I'm blabbing on about this. It had been decided that Toothless is now the family mascot to what is about to become the family 'fuck it' list. 
Or the bucket and spade list - a list of things I want to do with the boys before I shuffle off to marry Tom Hardy in a parallel universe. 
You see I'm a fucker for living in the future. I constantly used to say we would do things once the kids were x age. Well it's starting to look like my future may be a bit shorter then some so it's time to start living now. 

So I've sat down to write this list and decided that you guys might want to do this 'journey' with me (I agree with the Unmumsy mum about the word journey! I recommend you read her book). Therefore, as well as the posts I usually write, I'm going to keep - separate one as an active one. I'll tell you what I've got planned so far and then I want you to tell me what you would add to the list and if it's feasible I will add your suggestions to my list and credit you with it when it's achieved. You'll notice it's not quite all about them, some of these are just my goals. The bucket is me (you've got a filthy mind!) and the spade is them, the kids, or skids as I call them.

So tell me what you'd do with your kids, and without , if you were lying in the road waiting for the proverbial bus to hit you but it was delayed so you had time to plan a few last things. 

Ask your kids what they'd like to do if they could pick a list of activities. I bet Peppa pig world will come up A LOT!!!
I'm going to document all the trips we take, the vomit spewed in the car journeys, the whinging, the anticlimaxes, the highs and the lows.... All with Ally's Dragon.

And even better it starts tomorrow!!! But without the kids!!!! Pork rolls and quiz nights as I head to 'Shitterton' with my school friends!!!

So, what would you do if you were me? 

I'm going to live!!!

Yippe Kai yay mother fuckers!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Firstly. Toothless aka allys dragon is awesome. I would want to go on a segway. I would probably piss myself laughing as I injure myself and fall off, but it would be great fun xx

  3. The zoo. My 2yr old loves animals.
    Also a deal sanctity - Skegness has one, you can be involved with feeding times too. Xx

  4. That should be seal!! Who ever heard of a deal sanctuary?!

  5. Crocodile Farm
    Woburn safari park
    Sleep in a proper tree house with midnight feast with kids
    Waterpark (gullivers land)
    Horse riding ??

  6. Disneyland in America as my kids think America is awesome!!

  7. I have five adopted kids and worked long hours their whole lives. A TV day.. All in pyjamas... All day. No work. No chores. Just snuggling and eating junk food.

  8. Legoland is a must and get in touch with the Willows foundation as they may be able to assist with one of the items of your list!


  10. Have you guys been on a boat together?
    Have you swam in an outdoor pool?
    Walked thru a bluebell wood?
    Built a bonfire together?
    Covered the back garden in foam and ran like mad in it?

  11. Something involving sunsets, sunrises and the stars. Be it a planetarium or camping outside in the back garden.

  12. A bucket and spade at the seaside X

  13. Bury a family time capsule all together and sneak in letters for the kids to read at some point in the future.. might be cool, might end up being super creepy.. either way, you get a giggle? I LOVE your constant fiery optimism and attitude with a good sprinking of swears. You really are an inspiration you crazy wonderful woman xxx

  14. Taking my kids to see the big 5 in Africa, swimming with playful seals in Seahouses, Northumberland and watching the Northern Lights.

  15. Paint a picture each of each other on canvas, the boys can do mummy and daddy and you can do the boys and Ally or Toothless or both or all of you and then you can kept them forever. x

  16. You rock! Just asked my 5 year old what he said a friends house (simple needs) my 2 year old says Elsas palace in pretty dresses where she's King of the castle, however given your locality I'd say monkey world what kids and dragons don't love monkeys I certainly do xxx

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Love this. My daughter (2) pronounces all her b's as f's so spent our entire summer holiday talking about her 'fucket and spade'!

    Can't beat a classic day at the seaside. xxx

  19. Kids - Disneyworld
    Me and partner- new york
    If it were me? - tweet channing tatum so often he finally gives in and gives me a magic mike style personal dance.
    The End. Lol. X

  20. Camping with a cozy tent and a fire,even in the back yard

  21. See the northern lights, sleep in one of the round houses that have a see through roof so you can star watch from the comfort of bed. Take the kids to see Santa in Lapland. x

  22. Hi Heidi, I'd go on a trip to London with the kiddies. I would visit the Natural history museum to check out the dinosaurs, visit Buckingham palace, the London eye and Big Ben

  23. I discovered today that there's a lantern festival in London. It must be magical, I would go there!!

  24. I would visit Stonehenge truly a magical place! Also National Tram museum Crich.

  25. You're amazing

    Bucket list ( my kids are 1 and 2.5 and I'm reading their mind a bit here but I think these are things theyd love) my list is so simple comparing to all the other fantastic ideas but I think they'd enjoy these things just as much :)

    1. All sleeping in the same bed
    2. Eating ice cream in bed before going to sleep
    3. Finger painting each other with edible paint
    4. Having cake for dessert right after breakfast
    5. Making huge tunnels in the living room or backyard they can crawl through

    6. For me, set up email accounts for them and write them many emails of things I want to share with them including pictures

  26. Ideas for you:
    Childrens story
    Naked run in a freezin cold bog (ive heard it feels good and ive always wanted to do it, preferably ireland)
    Literally Nothing all day but watch dvds eat and laze
    A massive act of kindness in America!?

    Skydive (yawn)
    Live abroad for a year in a hot country
    Work out what i actually want to do job wise
    Chill out more
    Buy a house

    With my daughter:
    Show her as many different places as poss
    'Jigsaw' was her answer

    With boyfriend:
    Let him have a guily free snowboard holiday
    Not kick his ass for the day

    Big love

  27. Go to the playground and stay absolutely as long as the kids want. This would have been my #1 wish as a child and I think would be on my boys' (ages 4 and 2) list now.

  28. My children enjoyed when we went to see the seals at Blakeney, messing around getting muddy in the woods, feeding a lamb, camping in a tent but inside our house, going crabbing, making cakes

    Tina x

  29. My children enjoyed when we went to see the seals at Blakeney, messing around getting muddy in the woods, feeding a lamb, camping in a tent but inside our house, going crabbing, making cakes

    Tina x

  30. We have our "toothless" too,it's hard but we have to keep walking talking eating etc.because ourselfs and our children.Soo my sugestion is go to a some destination whic is totaly diferent than your country and learn with your children something new.kisses from Belgrade

  31. We have our "toothless" too,it's hard but we have to keep walking talking eating etc.because ourselfs and our children.Soo my sugestion is go to a some destination whic is totaly diferent than your country and learn with your children something new.kisses from Belgrade

  32. If I were you - would take my 2 boys to Barbados. Been there once. Love this place. You can swim with turtles. Or somewhere where you can swim with dolphins.
    Australia maybe.
    Would do something that you all love. If it is nature, then visiting Yellowstone, grand canyon.

  33. Well, I hope you are blumin grateful as had to made a new account just to say hello to you.
    I have brought up my 4 children on my own and my attitude is never wait. Live for the moment. I'm reading you blog laughing and crying. Xxxx


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